Monday, 19 February 2018

Class Debates - Proposed Format

1. Opening Statements (with at least 3 arguments, two of them must be literary)  
YES/PRO 3 min     NO/CON 3 min

2. Rebuttal - teams argue against each others' arguments  (2 rounds of 3 min each) 

3. Clarification / Questions from the audience (5 min)

4.  [Conference of teams] 5 min

5. Closing Statements  YES/PRO 3min NO/CON 3 min

Debate Preparation: 
1. Obtain information from reputable sources.
2. Provide at least two substantiated pieces of evidence (examples).
3. Prepare a quality open statement that shall be publicized   previously to the opposing team and to classmates (via blog)
4. Reflect clearly on the ethical theory/theories and principles involved with the issue.
5. Present your information effectively and convincingly (you may use props or audio-visual material, but you cannot exceed the alloted time)
6. In addition to preparing arguments for their position, each team should anticipate their opponents’ arguments and identify possible flaws or weaknesses in those arguments

Debate Rules:
You must raise your hand if it's not your time to speak.  
Teams lose 1 point for each interruption.  
Teams lose 1 point for whispering while another speaker is talking. 

Debate evaluation:
- by peers (classmates) who fill a handout with pre-set parameters
- by teacher, whose evaluation includes feedback from colleagues and appreciation of written post on the blog.

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